(305) 522-7655
Marathon BioDiesel, Inc has planted the 'seed' and wishes to thank the following people for providing the 'water' to help bring the recycling of WVO to The Florida Keys, and protecting the environment
"one drop at a time".
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frow
retired lieutenant with City of Miami fire department and commercial fisherman
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hillman
Ms. Marlisa Clohecy
Ms. Martha Lopez
Mr. Jose L. Ferro
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bossert
Lance Gates
Allen Lee
"one drop at a time".
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frow
retired lieutenant with City of Miami fire department and commercial fisherman
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hillman
Ms. Marlisa Clohecy
Ms. Martha Lopez
Mr. Jose L. Ferro
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bossert
Lance Gates
Allen Lee