It seems like third world countries are the only ones taking advantage of biodiesel to save their environment. Is that what it takes, the USA to become a third world country before we realize we are self-destructing our environment????
What Marathon Biodiesel does is collect used vegetable oil and process it into biodiesel, a biodegradable, non-toxic environmentally friendly fuel use in diesel engines.
Why are we different? We do this in a 28 foot trailer called the MPOD, Mobile Processing On Demand. We have kept the process affordable, simple, and efficient yet make ASTM certified B100. We designed and built the MPOD as an education center for schools and communities, to provide look at an alternative fuel that is environmentally friendly. It provides generations, especially the younger generation, with hands-on experience to prepare them for the future, from processing, ordering, billing, contracts, etc., everything from start to finish.
The MPOD is a job creator, getting people involved by collecting oil and processing it. Not enough used oil? Other jobs are created growing and harvesting feedstock and preparing it for use in the process. Jobs are also created in the processing of co-products, like glycerin which can be used in soap making, composting, waste treatment plants, etc.
Our goal is to empower communities with a sustainable waste to fuel solution provided through our MPOD. The mobility of the MPOD allows the unit to be moved where the feedstock is located. The more environmentally healthy a community, the stronger the community’s economy. In a crisis, communities have pull together to come to the rescue.
My wife and I have put everything we have in this endeavor because we have seen first-hand how the ecosystem has been affected. It has been an eight year struggle, but we made it through the gulf oil spill, the economic downturn and corporate pressure from competitors. We have sought assistance both local and federal agencies, yet no one has stepped up to the plate.
Now we are asking “We the People” to show solidarity and American pride and help us achieve this mission.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
What Marathon Biodiesel does is collect used vegetable oil and process it into biodiesel, a biodegradable, non-toxic environmentally friendly fuel use in diesel engines.
Why are we different? We do this in a 28 foot trailer called the MPOD, Mobile Processing On Demand. We have kept the process affordable, simple, and efficient yet make ASTM certified B100. We designed and built the MPOD as an education center for schools and communities, to provide look at an alternative fuel that is environmentally friendly. It provides generations, especially the younger generation, with hands-on experience to prepare them for the future, from processing, ordering, billing, contracts, etc., everything from start to finish.
The MPOD is a job creator, getting people involved by collecting oil and processing it. Not enough used oil? Other jobs are created growing and harvesting feedstock and preparing it for use in the process. Jobs are also created in the processing of co-products, like glycerin which can be used in soap making, composting, waste treatment plants, etc.
Our goal is to empower communities with a sustainable waste to fuel solution provided through our MPOD. The mobility of the MPOD allows the unit to be moved where the feedstock is located. The more environmentally healthy a community, the stronger the community’s economy. In a crisis, communities have pull together to come to the rescue.
My wife and I have put everything we have in this endeavor because we have seen first-hand how the ecosystem has been affected. It has been an eight year struggle, but we made it through the gulf oil spill, the economic downturn and corporate pressure from competitors. We have sought assistance both local and federal agencies, yet no one has stepped up to the plate.
Now we are asking “We the People” to show solidarity and American pride and help us achieve this mission.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
Meet Jeff Lillie, Founder and CEO of Marathon BioDiesel, Inc.
Welcome to Marathon Bio-Diesel, Inc.

We are located in the beautiful Florida Keys, a National Sanctuary consisting of 1700 islands (aka Keys) in one of the few remaining coral reef Marine environments. The Florida Keys marine environment is very important to the local economy here. Both the tourism and fishing industries require a healthy and thriving underwater world. Marine environments are delicate and more easily adversely affected by minor changes in the natural settings. Emissions such as diesel dust, CO2 and associated GHG all have a long termed, negative impact on our surrounding waters (both above surface and sub-surface). When you take into consideration that fishing is the Florida Keys #2 industry, you can imagine just how much diesel fuel is burned out on the local waters. We have every intention on reversing business as usual, and having a positive impact on our local environment.
Marathon Bio-Diesel is a B100 bio-fuel processor using DONATED Used Vegetable Oil (UVO) collected from local restaurants. We have developed a process for converting the used vegetable oil from restaurants, resorts, other organizations and the general public into a clean burning, eco-friendly, bio-degradeable diesel fuel alternative. Using our proprietary process, all collected UVO will be filtered, processed and refined into a Certified B-100 bio-fuel which meets ASTM D-6751.
As a certified B100 producer, our primary vision is to provide a clean fuel alternative for the entire Florida Keys, with a focus on the Fishing Industry, as well as, all private and public sectors requiring diesel fuel. We are not here to say '"No" to anyone who wants to burn bio-diesel. It is our objective to provide the Monroe County community the opportunity to help reduce CO2 and associated Green House Gases by participating in the community model we have introduced. The greater the involvement, the greater the influence we can have as a whole, for it takes more than 5 gallons of bio-diesel to match the emissions of 1 gallon of pretro-diesel. Imagine the impact!
It has become apparent that not only does Marathon Bio-Diesel provide a service to our community, but we also serve as a consultant for any private or public individual with an interest in our UVO Processor. Marathon Bio-Diesel is an industry leader using a turn-key "waste to fuel" system.
America's need to reduce foreign oil dependency is a driving force behind the development of alternative energy sources. For certain, Bio-Fuels are here to stay, and biodiesel derived from a present waste source (UVO) is a no-brainer. Communities that realize the environmental benefits of burning bio-diesel vs petro-diesel, will also realize economic improvements by adding jobs to the local market, and retaining revenues that would have otherwise been lost to the hauling and disposing or exporting of this realized resource to some other's benefit.
Marathon Bio-Diesel is a B100 bio-fuel processor using DONATED Used Vegetable Oil (UVO) collected from local restaurants. We have developed a process for converting the used vegetable oil from restaurants, resorts, other organizations and the general public into a clean burning, eco-friendly, bio-degradeable diesel fuel alternative. Using our proprietary process, all collected UVO will be filtered, processed and refined into a Certified B-100 bio-fuel which meets ASTM D-6751.
As a certified B100 producer, our primary vision is to provide a clean fuel alternative for the entire Florida Keys, with a focus on the Fishing Industry, as well as, all private and public sectors requiring diesel fuel. We are not here to say '"No" to anyone who wants to burn bio-diesel. It is our objective to provide the Monroe County community the opportunity to help reduce CO2 and associated Green House Gases by participating in the community model we have introduced. The greater the involvement, the greater the influence we can have as a whole, for it takes more than 5 gallons of bio-diesel to match the emissions of 1 gallon of pretro-diesel. Imagine the impact!
It has become apparent that not only does Marathon Bio-Diesel provide a service to our community, but we also serve as a consultant for any private or public individual with an interest in our UVO Processor. Marathon Bio-Diesel is an industry leader using a turn-key "waste to fuel" system.
America's need to reduce foreign oil dependency is a driving force behind the development of alternative energy sources. For certain, Bio-Fuels are here to stay, and biodiesel derived from a present waste source (UVO) is a no-brainer. Communities that realize the environmental benefits of burning bio-diesel vs petro-diesel, will also realize economic improvements by adding jobs to the local market, and retaining revenues that would have otherwise been lost to the hauling and disposing or exporting of this realized resource to some other's benefit.